23″ Reversible Umbrella


This umbrella has an inside-out design that prevents water from dripping and has a C-hook. Convenient and easy to carry around, it is the perfect tool for Singapore’s hot and volatile weather. You can easily customize these umbrellas with your company design and logo to create a truly unique, special corporate gift

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The prices displayed in our product collections are provided for your reference only and are subject to potential revisions.

To obtain a precise quote, please contact us with details regarding your desired quantity and customization requirements, and we will provide you with the most optimal pricing options available.


*All prices stated are unit price.

  • Product Code: CGMK0091205
  • Available Colours: Red, Black, Yellow, and Blue
  • Panels: 23″ x 8 Panels

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1 Colour 1 Logo (One Panel), 2 Colour 1 Logo (One Panel), Full Colour 1 Logo (One Panel)