Sttoke Hydrate + Extensions


SKU P02200CGCHWI0 Categories ,

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This is Hydrate+

We’re changing the hydration game with world class, taste-enhancing ceramic
Whether you?re sipping your morning brew or staying hydrated at the gym, Hydrate Plus is your perfect plus one for any occasion.

Lock it in
Crafted with the modern, active and urban in mind. It seamlessly transforms your coffee cup into a stylish water bottle.

Function matters
Enjoy an elevated hydration experience on the go with the complete look.

Hydrate+ adds to the utility of hydration with an extended base, plus 2 caps; sports cap, and hydration cap allowing you to hydrate with the cup, now bottle in fast and slow-paced activities.

Compatible with both 12oz and 16oz
Triton extension base (BPA free)
Additional 5oz / 150ml capacity

MOQ: 50