Nanoblock Merlion or Changi Airport Control Tower Building Kit


Let us build an icon of Singapore. It is challenging and fun!

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Choose any 1 from 2 available options:

1. CPNBH-01105 – Merlion

The Merlion is a mythical creature with the body of a fish and the head of a lion. It is also often regarded as the icon of Singapore.

Block included: 260 / Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

2. CPNBH-01155 – Changi Airport

Build the iconic Changi Airport Control Tower no matter where you might be in the world. Even though your miniature nanoblock tower does not provides aerodrome control service to aircraft landing and departing Changi Airport, it will definitely give you a sense of accomplishment upon completion!

Block included: 200 / Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

MOQ: 50